Cure Epididymitis With Natural Remedy
you know how to cure
epididymitis? It is not easy to get a complete cure for epididymitis,
especially when it develops chronic. This inflammation is usually treated with antibiotics
as it is commonly caused by bacterial infections or sexually transmitted
diseases such as chlamydia or genorrhea. The outcome is good in a short time.
However, many patients complain that the symptoms will recur weeks or months
later. For patients who can’t get a full recovery by antibiotic treatment, a new
treatment option is needed.
remedy is a great choice for patients with epididymitis. There is a natural
remedy called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is proven to be effective in
the treatment of epididymitis. This medicine is made from more than fifty types
of natural herbs. The herbal formula has no harm to the body so patients can have
a safe and stable treatment.
main herbs in this pill include Plantago seed, Dianthus
superbus, talcum, Houttuynia cordata, Polygonum aviculare, herba laminariae,
pangolin, saffron, semen persicae, honeysuckle, lignum aquilariae, etc.
These herbs have multiple functions, such as clearing heat and toxins to kill
the bacteria, improving blood and Qi flow to eliminate the pain associated with
epididymitis, inducing diuresis to increase the urine flow and relieve the
painful urination. Therefore, the symptoms of epididymitis can be eliminated
and the root cause can also be cured.
Natural remedy can provide patients with a safe and effective
way to get rid of epididymitis. Compared with antibiotics, it has no drug
resistance or kidney damages, patients don’t need to worry about anything during
the treatment. Moreover, natural remedy Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can
also improve the immunity and self-healing ability, and thereby it will be
difficult for patients to get a bacterial infection again.
During the medication treatment, patients need to drink more
water to flush the system. Avoiding spicy foods, alcohol, nicotine, sweets, red
meats, coffee, etc. Avoiding sexual intercourse until the infection is cleared
up completely.